Sunday, February 14, 2010

Some Thoughts on Valentine's Day

Unlike many of you, I don't hate Valentine's Day.

I don't have a particularly burning reason to like it, either. I don't believe in saints, for one, and Mr. Valentine did nothing particularly notable either. The cynicism and commercialism with which this holiday was created do nothing to endear me to it, either.

Certainly, I would further agree that one needs no excuse to make your partner's day as special as you can.

And yes, some couples are really annoying on Valentine's Day, especially when one is single.


As an atheist, I don't celebrate any holidays for religious reasons. Though, I do celebrate some religious holidays for secular reasons. I.e., I don't believe they are "holy days." However, I see no burning reason to sacrifice my cultural background on the altar of rationality either. Like it or not, I grew up with Valentine's Day as a special day, so I'll always remember it.

And yes, it can have meaning for you and your partner. That doesn't mean that you somehow leech romance out of other days and "save it up" for Valentine's Day. You don't use up an allotment of love during the year. However, you can't be buying flowers and doing special things on every last day, either, once you and your partner settle into a routine. They aren't "special" things if you are trying to top yourself 24/7.

I think many people benefit from having a few more-or-less arbitrary days during the year to reflect on their relationship, and break out of their routine. Like anniversaries, birthdays, celebrations of a loved one's accomplishments, and why not, throw in Valentine's Day. Just as Mother's Day and Father's Day inspire us to remember our parents, Valentine's Day is set aside for lovers, or friends, or whoever you decide your Valentines are.

Saying that Valentine's Day cheapens love is like saying that Christmas cheapens giving.

It's just an arbitrary THING humans do. We like our yearly cycles. Recognize whichever ones you prefer. It's certainly fair to think they are commercial and crass...but just be nice to people who disagree.

Anyway, me and my Valentine are passing our first Feb. 14 quietly, connected by the magic of the Internet. I sent a card, which was eaten by the snowstorm (it will get there eventually!). Since she's awesomer then me, she sent me a teddy bear, hot chocolate, Zombieland, and a wonderful card. But we don't love each other any more, or any less, on this day. It's just a day.

A GOOD day.

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